by DebbieDerry | Oct 30, 2022 | Lifestyle
If you’re coming to Doha, Qatar, for the FIFA 2022 World Cup, be prepared for so much more than a marvellous football feast. As a super-rich, tiny peninsula country in the Gulf, the complexion and culture of this event is going to be very different from previous...
by DebbieDerry | Oct 9, 2022 | Lifestyle
Qatar’s Metro is a super-efficient light rail underground system, criss-crossing Doha with thousands of passengers daily. And I’m their number 1 cheerleader. Why? Because the Metro is economical (even in South African terms)reliableeasy to usequicksafe, andclean. It...
by DebbieDerry | Oct 2, 2022 | Lifestyle
Constant construction, vast contrasts and cats. Throw in a couple of classic cars and an embassy or ten and you have my new neighbourhood in Doha, Qatar. It’s called Onaiza. Onaiza in Zone 66, outside the main central business district, probably won’t mean anything to...